How do I obtain a Qualified Signature?​​
How can I use my Qualified Signature?​
Download the "JCC authenticator" app and link it with your trust portal account.
When prompted to sign via the Signing Portal, a pop-up window will ask you whether you would like to sign with a Simple Signature or with a Qualified Signature.
In case of a Qualified Signature you shall receive a push notification through JCC authenticator for authorisation.
Qualified Vs Simple Electronic Signatures
Learn more about the two types of Electronic Signatures offered by JCC
Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)
QES is the highest level of electronic signatures. Under eIDAS regulation, a QES has the same legal effect as a handwritten signature and it is recognized in all member states of the EU. It has the highest security level of all e-signatures and it is created by a qualified signature creation device (QSCD). QES has validity from 1 up to 3 years. Click here for the pricing.
Simple Electronic Signature (SES)
SES is the lowest level of electronic signatures. It does not require strong signer authentication or identity verification. To request simple e-signature, it is enough to know the signer's email address. You can start right now using simple e-signatures by purchasing an individual or enterprise plan on JCC Signing Portal. Click here for more information.
How do I sign electronically?​
What documents can be electronically signed?
Any document that requires handwritten signatures. The appropriate type of e-Signature depends on the level of security and legal validity the signature requires. It’s not recommended to use Simple Signatures to sign electronically high-risk documents & agreements.
(sales, employment, lease, insurance, etc.)​
(Audited Financial Statements, online banking, etc.)​
Administrative procedures
(tax declarations, requests for birth certificates, etc.)​

What is the difference between Qualified eSignature and the Electronic Identity?

Qualified eSignature can be provided to any individual with a valid biometric identity card or Passport, while Electronic identity can only be provided to Cypriot citizens with biometric identity card. Electronic Identity except from the Citizen’s Qualified eSignature, it also includes the Citizen’s Authentication certificate, which is his/her identity in the digital world.